Well, bachelor party plans have been handed over to the grand master of such things and we continue to march down that road to the departure date. There have been questions as to when we are leaving; our date for heading out of town is June 1, 2014 and we come back into town two weeks later. For my birthday I got an Ipad so that I can post video and pictures along the way without hauling a laptop with us. We have figured out all the hotel stops and cost which has been fun; the hardest to get nailed down is the Wigwam Village #6 in Arizona along the old Route 66 highway.
There are these concrete and steel "tee-pees" that dot the property and offer almost no frills of the technological age. No wi-fi, old a/c machines that reportedly are for decoration only, and no ice machine. The rooms are round and are small. It is at its worse, a bit of America's bygone age of road trip glory; at its best it is another item checked off the ol' bucket list.
Speaking of desert roadside awesomeness, there is the food that we will be eating. I know I talked a little about this in another post, but there is so much of it over two weeks. One of the places that I really look forward to eating at is the famous Road Kill Cafe in Seligman, AZ.
The entire length of the southern part of our journey takes us past so many great little eateries that appear in films and are talked about in the corners of road trip legends. Many of them boast of "free if you can eat it" deals. Like the Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo, TX. The challenge there is the 72 oz steak.
The days are still ticking away and I can feel the road under me and the sun on my skin as we head out West. The desert sands under my boots will be a great home coming; I am originally from Utah for those who didn't know. It's been too long since I have seen the rocks and barren wastelands of my home state.
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